The Effectiveness Of Deep Breathing Relaxation Technique and 4-7-8 Method against Intensity Pain during First Active Phase of Normal Delivery at Maternity Clinics in North Sulawesi

  • Syuul K. Adam, M.Kes
  • Sjenny Olga Tuju, M.Kes
  • Fredrika Losu, S. SiT, M.Kes
Keywords: deep breathingrelaxation, 4-7-8 method, delivery pain


One way to reduce maternal death in Indonesia is with delivery attended by trained health worker and to do delivery at health facility with a concern on pain or delivery pain. An intense and prolonged delivery pain can affect the circulation or metabolism, it has to immediately overcome because it can cause fetal death (Handerson, 2005). Deep breathing relaxation technique or 4-7-8 methods are a technique to reduce pain that can give benefit because it can prevent more mistakes after the delivery. It needs an effort on how we do a method that can help reduce pain. There was a fact that health service facility hasn’t effectively implemented this deep breathing relaxation technique and 4-7-8 method as intervention to handle delivery pain.
This study aims to ascertain effectiveness of deep breathing relaxation technique and 4-7-8 method regarding pain intensity on first stage active phase of normal delivery from primigravida mother at maternity clinic, in North Sulawesi.
This is an analytic study with Quasi-experiment design. Sample was 90 cases divided into 4 maternal clinics in North Sulawesi, taken with accidental sampling. Deep breathing relaxation technique and 4-7-8 method are the independent variable and intensity of delivery pain is the dependent variable. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon test and Chi-Square test, there is a difference between pain intensity before and after the treatment of Relax deep breathing technique (p-value= 0,000) among 45 respondents in pain intensity before and after the treatment, there is also a difference between pain intensity before and after the treatment of 4-7-8 method (p-value= 0,000) among 45 respondents, there is no association of pain intensity between deep breathing technique and 4-7-8 method of breathing technique (p-value=0,449). We suggest to do deep breathing relax technique or 4-7-8 method to all delivery process.
