Items where Author is "Barung, Elisabeth N."

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Banne, Yos and Dumanauw, Jovie M. and Barung, Elisabeth N. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Antipyretic effects of starfruit stem bark infusion (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) in rats (Rattus norvegicus). International Conference on Pharmaceutical Research and Practice.

Kalonio, Donald Emilio and Barung, Elisabeth N. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Aktivitas Antikanker Tanaman Genus Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae): Sebuah Kajian. Traditional Medicine Journal.

Banne, Yos and Dumanauw, Jovie M. and Barung, Elisabeth N. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Antipyretic effects of starfruit stem bark infusion (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) in. International Conference on Pharmacetical Research and Practice.

Tangka, Juliet and Barung, Elisabeth N. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) DPP-IV Inhibitory Activity of the Ethanolic Extract of Red Gedi Leaves Abelmoschus manihot L. Medic. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medicine Science.

Tangka, Juliet and Barung, Elisabeth N. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Identification of metabolite compounds from ethanolic extract of the Red Gedi Leaves (Abelmoschus manihot L. Medik) by LC-ESI-MS. RJPT.

Kalonio, Donald Emilio and Barung, Elisabeth N. and Wullur, Adeanne C. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Penurunan Kadar Asam Urat Pada Tikus Putih Terinduksi Diet Tinggi Purin Oleh Ekstrak Daun Sesewanua (Clerodendrum fragrans [Vent] Willd.). Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2020.

Barung, Elisabeth N. and Kalonio, Donald E. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Percepatan Penutupan Luka Sayat pada Tikus Putih Akibat Pemberian Perasan Rimpang Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.). Journal Pharmascience.

Barung, Elisabeth N. and Ulaen, Selfie P. J. and Banne, Yos and Dumanauw, Jovie M. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) ANTIDIABETIC EFFECT TEST OF ETHYL ACETATE FRACTION ETHANOL EXTRACT OF ABELMOSCHUS MANIHOT L MEDIK LEAVES IN STREPTOZOTOCIN-INDUCED RATS (Rattusnorvegicus). Proceeding Manado Health Polytechnic 1st International Conference.

Barung, Elisabeth N. and Ulaen, Selfie P. J. and Banne, Yos and Dumanauw, Jovie M. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) ANTIPYRETIC EFFECT OF Sauropusandrogynus (L.) Merr LEAVES INFUSION ON RATS (Rattus norvegicus). Proceeding Manado Health Polytechnic 1st International Conference.

Barung, Elisabeth N. and Kalonio, Donald Emilio and Banne, Yos (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Anticancer Activities of Sesewanua Leaf Extracts (Clerodendrum fragrans (Vent.) Willd) Against A549 Lung Cancer Cell. Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI. pp. 1226-1230.

Barung, Elisabeth N. and Dumanauw, Jovie M. and Kalonio, Donald Emilio (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Egg white‐induced inflammation models: A study of edema profile and histological change of rat’s paw. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research.

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2023) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Egg white‐induced inflammation models: A study of edema profile and histological change of rat’s paw | Elisabeth Barung. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research. pp. 109-112.

Kalonio, Donald Emilio and Barung, Elisabeth N. and Rumagit, Benedicta I. and Wullur, Adeanne C. (2022) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Clerodendrum fragrans (Vent) Willd.: Tinjauan FarmakognosiFitokimia dan Farmakologi. Ahmar Metastasis Health Journal (AHML).

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2022) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Sharing of Personal Sanitary Kits as One Risk Factor of Horizontal Transmission of Hepatitis B among Children Resident at Orphanage. SPIROSKI.

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2022) (BUKTI-KORESPONDENSI) DPP-IV Inhibitory Activity of the Ethanolic Extract of Red Gedi Leaves Abelmoschus manihot L. Medic | Elisabeth Barung. OAMJMS.

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2021) (BUTKI-KORESPONDENSI) Identification of metabolite compounds from ethanolic extract of the Red Gedi Leaves | Elisabeth Barung. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.

Banne, Yos and Sahelangi, Olfie and Soenjono, Steven Jacub and Barung, Elisabeth N. and Ulaen, Selfie P. J. and Walalangi, Rivolta and Sapiun, Zulfiayu (2021) Silver Nanoparticle of Acalypha indica Linn. Leaf As Bio-larvicide against Anopheles sp. Larvae. Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI. ISSN eISSN: 1857-9655

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2021) (BUKTI-KORESPONDENSI) Silver Nanoparticle of Acalypha indica Linn. Leaf As Bio-larvicide against Anopheles sp. Larvae | Elisabeth Barung. OAMJMS.

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2020) (BUKTI-KORESPONDENSI) Egg white induced inflammation models A study of edema profile and histological change of rat’s paw | Elisabeth Barung. JAPTR.

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2020) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Risk Factor for Hepatitis B Family Transmission in Kupang Province of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia | Elisabeth Barung. PJMHS.

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2020) (BUKTI-KORESPONDENSI) Anticancer Activities of Sesewanua Leaf Extracts (Clerodendrum fragrans (Vent.) Willd) Against A549 Lung Cancer Cell | Elisabeth Barung. ICOCLEH 2020.

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2020) (BUKTI-KORESPONDENSI) Manuscript Assesment Form Risk Factor for Hepatitis B Family Transmission in Kupang Province of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia | Elisabeth Barung. PJMHS.

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2020) (BUKTI-KORESPONDENSI) Sharing of Personal Sanitary Kits as One Risk Factor of Horizontal Transmission of Hepatitis B among Children Resident at Orphanage | Elisabeth Barung. INJV.

Makalew, Linda and Kuntoro, - and Otok, Bambang Widjanarko and Soenarnatalina, M and Barung, Elisabeth N. (2019) (UJI-SIMILARITY) Spatio of Lungs Tuberculosis (Tb Lungs) in East Java Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (GWPR) | Linda A. Makalew. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 8 (10).

Makalew, Linda and Kuntoro, - and Otok, Bambang Widjanarko and Soenarnatalina, M and Barung, Elisabeth N. (2019) Spatio of Lungs Tuberculosis (TB Lungs) in East Java Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (GWPR). Spatio of Lungs Tuberculosis (TB Lungs) in East Java Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (GWPR), 10 (8). pp. 1830-1833. ISSN 0976-0245

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2018) (BUKTI-KORESPONDENSI) Antipyretic effects of starfruit stem bark infusion (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) in rats (Rattus norvegicus) | Elisabeth Barung. International Conference on Pharmaceutical Research and Practice.

Barung, Elisabeth N. (2018) (BUKTI-KORESPONDENSI) Spatio of lungs Tuberculosis (Tb Lungs) in East Java Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (GWPR) | Elisabeth Barung. IJRPH.

Rumagit, Benedicta I. and Barung, Elisabeth N. and Kawulusan, Evirawati (2018) Pembuatan Krim Ekstrak Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata L.). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kefarmasian. ISSN 9-772338-097-007

Barung, Elisabeth N. and Wullur, Adeanne C. and Bontea, Horlina (2018) Uji Efek Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah Tikus Putih Yang Diinduksi Aloksan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kefarmasian. ISSN 9-772338-097-007


Barung, Elisabeth N. (2017) (BUKTI-KORESPONDENSI) ANTIPYRETIC EFFECT OF Sauropusandrogynus (L.) Merr LEAVES INFUSION ON RATS (Rattus norvegicus) | Elisabeth Barung. Prosiding 1st International Conference.

Banne, Yos and Wullur, Adeanne C. and Djalil, Astuti M. and Barung, Elisabeth N. (2016) UJI EFEK ANALGETIK EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN SUJI (Dracaena angustifolia Roxb) PADA TIKUS PUTIH (Rattus novergicus). Proceeding Seminar Nasional 2016. pp. 16-18. ISSN 9772338097007

Barung, Elisabeth N. and Dumanauw, Jovie M. and Banne, Yos and Sandra, Amalia (2016) UJI EFEK ANTIDIARE EKSTRAK ETANOL HERBA BANDOTAN (Ageratum conyzoides) TERHADAP TIKUS PUTIH (Rattus norvegicus). Proceeding Seminar Nasional 2nd. pp. 12-15. ISSN 9772338097007

Dumanauw, Jovie M. and Barung, Elisabeth N. and Banne, Yos and Tangka, Juliet and Utami, Subety Tri (2015) EKSTRAK BIJI BUNCIS (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) SEBAGAI DIURETIK PADA TIKUS PUTIH. Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2015. pp. 97-100. ISSN ISBN: 978-602-71774-1-3

Banne, Yos and Ulaen, Selfie P. J. and Rindengan, Elvie R. and Dumanauw, Jovie M. and Barung, Elisabeth N. and Kalonio, Donald Emilio (2015) PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN TEPUNG KELAPA SEBAGAI DISINTERGRATOR PADA FORMULA TABLET CTM TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK GRANUL DAN TABLET. Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2015. pp. 111-117. ISSN 978-602-71774-1-3

Barung, Elisabeth N. and Banne, Yos and Kalonio, Donald Emilio and Tulumang, Sarnawati (2015) UJI EFEKTIVITAS INFUS AKAR ALANG-ALANG (Imperata cylindrica L.) SEBAGAI HERMOSTATIK PADA TIKUS PUTIH (Rattus norvegicus). Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2015. pp. 89-91. ISSN 978-602-71774-1-3

Barung, Elisabeth N. and Banne, Yos and Wuisan, Angelien N. (2015) EFFECTIVITY TEST OF BINAHONG LEAF EXTRACT (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) OINTMENT ON WOUND HEALING IN RATS (Rattus norvegicus). Proceeding International Seminar Natural Product. pp. 111-115. ISSN 9-772443-367-118

Tangka, Juliet and Barung, Elisabeth N. and Wullur, Adeanne C. (2014) UJI TOKSISITAS SUBKRONIS EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUH JOHAR (Cassia Siamea Lamk) PADA TIKUS (RATTUS NORVEGICUS I.). INFOKES Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 9 (1). pp. 59-65. ISSN 1907-9125

Banne, Yos and Dumanauw, Jovie M. and Barung, Elisabeth N. and Thomas, Henny Antipyretic effects of starfruit stem bark infusion (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) in rats (Rattus norvegicus). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE. ISSN 978-979-98417-5-9

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